Committee to Elect William Tauro

Committee To Elect
William Tauro
South Middlesex County
Registrar of Deeds
"When Just Ok Just Isn't Good Enough"
South Middlesex County Deserves Better!

My Vision For South Middlesex County
As Registrar, I can conduct investigations, prevent and begin prosecution on fraudulent filings, illegal payoffs and political favoritism through shell corporations that funnel and launder money as well as open the door to more hidden disclosures and discoveries! I will restore trust, pride and integrity back to the office!
I have a broad range of campaign topics, and my campaign promise is to have an open-door policy and give top priority to the residents of all South Middlesex County cities and town. Some of the key topics that I have mentioned in my campaign will include:
Affordable utilities: I will work to ensure that all residents have access to affordable utilities, including water and electricity.
Single mothers and single fathers: I will work to support single parents, providing resources and services to help them raise their children.
Local religious establishments: I will work to support and promote local religious establishments, recognizing their role in the community.
Political corruption: I will promote transparency and accountability in government, working to eliminate political corruption and ensure that elected officials are held accountable.
Overall, my campaign promises to prioritize the needs of the residents of South Middlesex County, working towards more equitable, safe, and prosperous communities.
If elected I will be bringing people together and be a Regisrar for everyone!

Our family, my wife Marisa, our three Children, our nine Beautiful grandchildren. And of course our family dog Carolina and our cat Doobie.

As A Somerville Mayoral Candidate This Was My Profile
Click on link below to see video:


By William Tauro
The current Administration wants to open up a Safe Injection Site within the city. This is only something that will add to the already growing problem nationwide of substance abuse. You cannot combat this overnight. It is a process but instead of condoning it we need to offer better, more long-term solutions to help people on a path to recovery.
The city wants to offer these sites as mobile units. This is not a long-term solution. This is a temporary bandage on only one piece of the problem.
These mobile units are not a permanent solution. It takes more than just offering them a clean needle and spot to get their injection but what comes after that. People in this position need more than that. They need to be given the tools to go beyond that one “high”.
My team is made up of people who have very personal experience with all aspects of substance/alcohol abuse. My team is working on developing “It’s A Start” Substance Abuse Center. This center will be an actual brick and mortar building with both indoor and outdoor space that will bring a more permanent solution on the road to recovery. Unless you have actually gone over and toured or even pulled someone out of Mass and Cass, then you do not have a good look at what you will bring to this city on a daily basis for a short-term solution and then return them to the same streets that have harmed them. My team is looking to open and support a Substance Abuse Center. This center will include a multitude of services to help people to make the first step or even tenth step into becoming a whole person.
Someone of existence not substance. This center will give them the tools to become a cleaner, healthier, more educated person and hopefully, on the road to recovery. Most people have gotten to a level of feeling dehumanized. They have hit what may be their rock bottom and lost all that they have in life from family to friends. We as a community need to help them grow with the knowledge of their self-worth.
The city has already allocated around One million dollars to a safe injection site. Our intentions are to utilize multiple services within the city (i.e. housing, local police/court system, health care, etc) that bring a more healthier recovery effort for these citizens of somerville. We need to take people off the street. With all the housing we have within the city, no one should be sleeping on a street or park bench.
We are putting a plan in place. If you vote for me, William Tauro, we will help with their road to recovery and not just a simple under-thought solution. It will also help to clean up our streets and make our communities better, safer, and more livable.
In conjunction with this plan, we will also be putting together a plan to work with local developers in establishing SO’s (Single Room Occupancy Units). Public input from members of the community will absolutely be welcome and voice their opinions and concerns, and yes you will absolutely be heard and I will listen. This will be helpful with both the fight for homelessness and the lack of affordable housing within the city. This will help in taking people off the street that suffer from mental health issues, substance abuse, alcoholism or just affordability issues. We will be giving people a safe, healthy, home environment.
If elected, together we will do amazing things for the betterment of Somerville and its residents. I will be there for everyone and I promise you that!
Billy Tauro
Community Roundtable
William Tauro

Somerville Senior's and Veteran's 1950 Sock Hop William "Billy" Tauro Event
Click on link below to view video:


This was my testimony the other night that I presented live at the Rent Stabilization Meeting that was held at the Armory. Mysteriously the audio on my testimony conveniently didn’t have audio, but only video and it was considered “technical difficulties”, so no audio was recorded that evening. So here it is in a nutshell!
Attached is my testimony:
William Tauro’s Statement at the 7/20/23 Rent Stabilization Meeting
This meeting tonight has got to be one of the biggest examples of mismanagement that I’ve ever seen. The city’s lack of communication to it’s residents on such an important issue like this depriving them of their rights to be part of this meeting with only two days notice to residents via email, in July, during the greatest time when a majority of residents are out of town during vacation season is unbelievable. If this wasn’t a case of mismanagement, then it was nothing but a dirty trick. But we are here now tonight so let’s get this meeting underway and salvage what we can for the sake of the city.
My name is Billy Tauro and I lease at Assembly Row. And yes, the rents are very high. The reason why the rents are very high is because we blew it as a city, allowing our elected officials, to grant Assembly Row with all their tax breaks that they received from day one. Most of you remember when Assembly Row was still on the planning table, it was supposed to be our cash cow to relieve the burden of taxes on the property owners and their tenants.
Also the rate that Somerville is hurting our mom and pop local businesses by eliminating needed parking spaces to survive citywide is another recipe for disaster. We are destroying our local businesses in Somerville who are failing at a rapid rate when instead we should helping them to trive. By local businesses not thriving it eliminates their major contributions to help them pay their fair share of taxes, but instead it creates a huge tax burden that now falls onto the homeowner which eventually automatically trickles down to the tenants, so yes, that’s why we’re paying higher rents in Somerville.
Rent control was proven to be a disaster in Cambridge from the beginning causing dilapidated properties and discouraging new development for affordable housing and it didn’t work in Cambridge and it will not work in Somerville.
The only people that will be displaced will be the landlords because eventually landlords will give up and will go into foreclosure, lose their properties because of rent control and then yes eventually the tenant is displaced as well in a domino effect. Another administration trick to force housing sales from longtime homeowners so that they can have their own developers purchase and overcrowd even more neighborhoods.
When you factor in the water and sewer costs, the insurance, the taxes, the repairs, the mortgages, utilities, the regular maintenance that’s needed to keep up any property it just won’t work when you put the restraints on the landlords ability to pay his or her property bills. Just do the math.
Please find another solution because rent control is a recipe for disaster! The current administration is systematically eliminating our local businesses in Somerville when instead, they should be nurturing and supporting them.
I am always willing to take on any task or issue that plagues the citizens of the community.
When I was asked about the rent issues and how to solve that situation, I thought along this line.
The truth breaks down to the examination of the past history where the administration raised the tax assessments very high for unfounded reasons except possibly to fluff up the valuations of neighborhoods for their own agenda, which has come more to light over the years. In return, the homeowners were forced to raise their fees.
So, on the high rental issues I will formulate an offer to the homeowners consisting of a tax reduction to consider lowering the rental fees for tenants. It will lessen the burden of overtaxed properties and ease the situation creating room for a more feasible rental request. This should ease the financial burden all around.
William Tauro
Questions to William Tauro From
The Somerville Fair Housing Commission
Thank you Van Amanda Le, President of The National Asian Women's Association, Hung Goon Past President of Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association (CCBA) Secretary of CCBA and Gary Yu, President of New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) for your continuous support! Pictured with amazing friends and supporters.

National Asian Women's Association
Somerville Police Department Superior Officer's Association
Somerville Fire Department
Boston Proud
The Dog Mother
Sweet Paws Animal Rescue Of NE
Carpenters Union Local 723
Toys For Local Children


Videos on Campaign trail
Click on links below to see videos:
Claredon Hill Towers Apartments 2023 Pasta & Meatballs with Billy
Somerville Senior Picnic 2023
Weston Manor Apartments 2023 Pasta & Meatballs with Billy
Pasta & Meatballs with Billy at Brady Towers Apartments 2023
Pasta & Meatballs with Billy VNA Lowell Street
Billy's Sincere Commitment to Somerville Offering Solid Plans and Thoughtout Solutions For The Betterment Of Somerviile!

Billy has been an advocate for the disenfranchised (seniors, Veterans, disabled, those with physical and mental illness, the homeless, children, those with no food) for over twenty years. His generosity knows no bounds. It would be good if others were to follow Billy's lead.
Jane Shapiro
Clarendon Hill Towers Tenants love Billy Tauro!
Billy does lots of great, thoughtful gestures to Seniors. Last Summer he arranged for free food boxes...and Billy saved our Bus Routes!
Karen Glover
A true leader! A man of the people who truly cares about his neighbors and absolutely cares about Somerville. They dont make many Billy Tauro's!
Mark Dugan
Billy Tauro our next mayor of Somerville, everyone vote for him,, we need a change in our city and he will make it better,, he has my
Gerri McInererney
Thank you for all you do for the people of Somerville.
Nina Maria Romano
I’ve known and called Billy Tauro a friend for more than 40 years, I had the honor of lecturing him as he became a Free Mason 20 years ago. Billy deeply cares about his fellow citizens and has the entire time I’ve known him. Billy doesn’t do things to put a feather in his cap but rather because they are the right things to do!
Joseph Hall
William Tauro will make a good mayor, seeking justice, liberty, equality and rights for his people. I support you as the next mayor of Somerville, Massachusetts, and a mayor we Asians can trust. Proud of Somerville Asians. I wish you a successful election!
Van Amanda Le, chair woman of National Asian Women's Association

Out On The Campaign Trail With Billy

Out on the Campaign Trail
With Dedicated Supporters
Somerville Community Showing Support for Billy
Billy Has Been Here In Somerville Helping Many People for Years